
About Me

Now, now, now, you've decided on reading my about me? That is really appreciative.My name is Pavel, born as the middle child of my family, knowing how it is to be a older and younger sibling gives me a great advantage in being rational with both party's. grew up in Corona, 105th street. My life has been a little shaky. From 1-3rd grade i had the shittiest years of my life. 4th Grade came and met my great old friend Reynaldo. Had my first crush on some random chick Jesse, who knows where she is right now? probably a whore on the streets selling crack(lol). After 4th Grade i had to move, never really got to see my friend anymore. The trouble really started pouring in. 5th grade i was the new kid, hated mostly everyone. Came 6th i met my great friend Michael, we still cool cause we skinny and pale. Ses one another great friend, the first black friend i've had, and he never acted like a total douche about me being white or hispanic or anything, He is still my blood brother this day. JC was another factor. we use to do some crazy shit when we were kids.6th and 7th Grade was pure gayness. Half way into 7th grade i had to leave to Dominican republic to live with my aunt due to some problems. It was a burning hell over there. Being Discriminated against my own people. After all that, i sought out justice, thinking "why is everyone like this". I quickly found out it was heavy influence and from that day on i disliked my own people. I hated how the acted, how they think, everything. i've trained my self to be who i am now. coming back to America was really weird. i returned to my old school. and met most of my friends that are still cool with me even now. I met Lenny, the Science Wiz Kid who believes everything has it's own way of working. Leonel, the Smallest yet strong jock who was kick ass in handball and the gangster one out of all of us. I've met Silver, the transfer student who we initially had a rivalry over Pokemon Lmfao. I've met His best friend Roger. Ironically, i thought Roger was a total douche bag because of his high popularity with the other people in the school. Once he asked me what i was playing on my game boy, i thought he was going to mock me. And i was ready to fight. But he just responded by "Huh? cool.. I've got a couple of lvl 100s" At that moment it was cool since, not all people are asswipes. 9th grade was BORING. hanged out with some new people but blah, suxors. 10h grade was another great year. i've met Demir, my own brother in blood and hunts. I met Eduardo, The Huge Dominican friend i have. I consider him to be my brother, so i gave him the nickname Chad. Meli, Meli, Meli, such a good friend to me. Junior Year. was pretty awesome, i've met cool friends like Jaser,Wendy, Amy, and even Helen lol. Jimmy became my rival in handball even if he is a fucking tree. John Sai was a very smart friend of mine who showed me the ropes on how to do things easier. Last but not least, Lorence, Probably only person i hardly argue with. Taught me never to type like a total douche even though i still type like one, and sound like one lol. Guy's a genius, he figures things outs instantly. He is like a brother to me, We be killing things for the massive's of luls . If anything he's cool. And hey Lorence, if you're reading this. You're Gay luls. There is alot of other things i would like to say but i bet you already just closed this page right about now. So check ya later~
Name Pavel Mendoza
Gender Male
Age 16
Location New York, NY
Interested in Women
Status Single
Interests tennis, girls, games, music, food, and girls lol
Music rock, rap, hip hop
Movies avp series
TV scrubs the ultimate fighter
Books i'll read it
Quotes "And that's how the cookie crumbles", " Failure is just success rounded down, my friend!", "Music is life, be heard"

Contact Me

IM AmericanClassico, GravityGenocide
Website myspace.com/mizusspace


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Registered Jun 25, 2008
Last update Jun 25, 2008

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